Last week there was a new addition to our alpaca herd - Bonijs! Bonijs is the forth new addition to our herd and other baby alpacas plays around with him and accepts him.


New alpaca boy - Billy
Last week a new addition to our family joined - Billy! Little boy is happy to play catch with Beta and Bella as well as enjoy the wonderful Spring sun. Do you want to see the little alpacas and their fluffy friends?

New addition to the family - Beta
We are enjoying the warm sun and the newest addition to our Rikas Alpaku skola family - Beta. Beta was born on Thursday to one of our brown alpacas - Eva. Bella and Beta already together...

Little Bella
Today our first cria of the year - Bella - wanted to bathe in the beautiful sunlight. Being born is very hard so all she has to do is save the strength for playing around while sleeping on mothers..

Alpacas for sale
Are you considering picking up a new hobby or do you want to learn more about breeding agricultural animals? 🤓 We have a great offer for you! 🤩 We are selling castrated alpaca boys and that is a great way to start alpaca breeding! 🤩 Why castrated? Because..

Fertiliser for your garden
Rikas Alpaku skola offers alpaca "produce" - fertiliser 🤩: 🦙 100% natural, great fertiliser for plants; 🦙 Revives soil fertility; 🦙 No bedding mixed in; One bag is around 20 kilos, 6€. About fertiliser availability please call Reinis

We are open on weekends
We are open on weekends - Friday, Saturday and Sunday - and we welcome everyone who wants to spend the weekend in nature and meet beautiful, fluffy animals! We are open from 11:00 until 18:00, previous booking is mandatory!